
  • 期刊论文
  • 企业新闻
  • 行业新闻
    • 覆膜砂锻造?
    • 本站编辑:浙江省机电设计研究院有限公司发布日期:2022-03-09 17:43




    Coated sand forging has a long history in forging scale, and the output of castings is also quite large; However, when using coated sand to forge compact steel castings, it faces many disaster problems: sand sticking, cold insulation and air hole.

    The mold or core of coated sand can be operated together with each other and other sand cores; It can be used not only for metal mold gravity forging or low-pressure forging, but also for iron mold sand coating forging, but also for thermal centrifugal forging; It can be used not only for the production of cast iron and non-ferrous alloy castings, but also for the production of steel castings.

    The storage period of coated sand core can absorb moisture in any sand core city, especially in the south, where the air relative humidity is high. It is necessary to delimit the storage period of sand core in the process documents, operate lean production, improve the production mode of predecessors and first out, and reduce the storage volume and storage cycle of sand core. Coated sand can build both mold and sand core.


